In order to publish your accommodation listing for free and rent it out to our sports community all year round, click on the "Become a host" tab in the top right hand corner.
Create your listing from scratch, by clicking on "Create listing"(on the left)
If you haven't logged in yet, you'll now be asked to log in.
If you haven't signed up to yet, you'll now be asked to sign up.
Then you'll be taken through a number of steps so as to help you make your listing as informative as possible. Set up the essential features: type of accommodation, number of guests, location, furnishings, descriptions, photos, sporting equipment, etc.
-select the sports that guests can practice near to your place,
-select your level of interaction with the guests,
- enter the telephone number on which guests can reach you (preferably a mobile phone number, it won't be shared with guests until you accept the booking request)
- and enter the country in which your bank account is situated so as to receive the payouts from your rentals.*
Simply follow the instructions... In just a few minutes, your accommodation listing will go live, appearing online to be seen by a whole community of sporty guests.
*List of countries where it is authorized for you to have a bank account in which to receive your rental payouts:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Switzerland, Sweden, Brazil, India, Mexico
If your bank account is not situated in any of these countries, we, unfortunately, cannot transfer the rental payouts made on our platform to you. If this is your case, please contact us so we can come up with a solution.
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