You are a sporty person and you would like to rent your accommodation to travelers like you ?
With Sportihome, your listing publication is totally free (and will be forever) !
In order to continually optimize our service (web servers, transaction security, booking management, insurance) and offer you the best assistance possible, we collect service fees. Basically, you pay the service fees only if you have a booking confirmation !
Publish your listing on Sportihome, will allow you :
- To increase your visibility by highlighting your listing by spots nearby, or by the sport equipment/local you offer to your travelers.
- To increase your incomes ; to organize for example, your future trip or buy your new sport equipment.
- To meet people, to discuss about your sporty experiences, your travels etc.. with your travelers !
- To share yours advices on the spots close to your home and the best time to go, so that your travelers practice just like you in same conditions.
Every private listing is accepted ! Home, apartment, bedroom, lodge, yurt, etc.. Welcome on Sportihome !! :)
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